“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain.”
— Kahlil Gibran
You may send your payment through PayPal, or Instant Transfer.
It’s up to you whether you want to pay upfront or half before & after.
Commission Status: Open
Pick an art style
Terms of Service
Please write in a clear and nice manner.
Visual references are appreciated! I can work with descriptions though.
You may post your commission anywhere, alter it, print it, or use it as your own, as long as you do not claim the artwork done yourself.
Characters will be imagined into my own art styles. Please do not ask me to mimic another’s art style.
I have the right to decline any commission requests.
Custom commissions are generally more expensive than my set prices.
My turnaround time can range from a week to a month.
Changes can only be done twice.
For every art style mentioned, complex background starting price is $30.
Plain background of 1 or 2 colour(s) of your choice is free.
I like to have a song to vibe with while I create the piece requested.
Commissions are for personal use only. If you’re looking to hire me for commercial work, please drop me an email to discuss the details.
I reserve the rights over the final artwork, meaning I can use it anywhere may it be my portfolio or social media sites.
I may ask for your permission to sell prints – you have the right to decline in any case.
You may not resell the image to third parties (i.e. make prints or merchandises from my artwork for sale, or resell the original digital image for money.)